Hotels in Barra Grande and Marau ... including Taipu de Fora, Cassange, Algodoes and Saquaira

Our Top Picks & Tips

The Marau Tour team has accumulated many years of experience working with tourism and hospitality on the Marau Peninsula, and our reviews com from first-hand knowledge of the properties, the owners and their staff. We also encourage visitors to talk about their stay, which helps us guage guest satisfaction for most of the properties in the region.


Hotels and Where to Stay in Barra Grande



Hotels in Barra Grande: Lista with Map

Click on the hotel's name to see on map, and use our links when you're ready to reserve! 😉
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Hotels and Where to Stay in Taipu de Fora


Hotels on Taipu de Fora Beach: Lista with Map

Click on the hotel's name to see on map, and use our links when you're ready to reserve! 😉
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Hotels in Cassange, Saquaira e Algodões (south Marau Peninsula)

Where to Stay in Cassange e Saquaira


Where to Stay in Algodoes


Hotels in Cassange, Algodoes and Saquaira: List & Map

Click on the hotel's name to see on map, and use our links when you're ready to reserve! 😉
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